Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Uh Oh! got in a little accident on the way home tonight! He picked mom up from work as usual, and they were coasting to a red light - the same one they always go through on Dartmouth Street in front of Back Bay Station where I was conceived - JUST KIDDING! - and dad was looking over at a car on the right and BAM! It was really loud and really hard hit, even though they weren't going that fast! 

That was a first for me - and boy, am I happy that I was still in mom's belly! We were all fine, and so was the cabby that dad hit. Sorry dad, but this one was all your fault! 

Mom says she thinks that this is just a sign for dad to slow down a little bit, because it could have been a lot worse. At least it is only damage to the car, and it can all be fixed.

Anyways, that was the highlight of my day, another first! Otherwise, mom just worked all day and fed me a burrito and two - yes - TWO - slices of cake/pie from Flour bakery...a Boston creme pie and a carrot cake. YUM! 

We are home now and poor dad is putting his insurance claim in online to Geico - he thinks it's about $5000 of damage to his car - OUCH. Hopefully insurance pays for most of it, cause, uhm, hello? Yes. I'm pointing at mom's belly through her belly - I'm on my way!

Alright, I'm going to go eat some spaghetti and sauce and call it a night. 


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