Monday, September 30, 2013

Switching To Wordpress

Hey everyone! Or, well, anyone...

Mom decided to switch our blog from Blogger over to Wordpress.

She doesn't like the way that blogger is loading our posts (the design is yucky) and their mobile app really stinks, too. It's just not easy to use and she doesn't like the way it looks.

Wordpress is much neater and easier to use, so she copied our site over to wordpress. It also has a lot more built into it, like connecting to her Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts, just to name a few perks.

Don't worry though, you haven't missed anything yet. She just switched over today!

You might want to check it out and subscribe to our new blog, since that's where we'll be reporting from today and forward.

She changed the name of the blog, too, since it won't always be me (little Oliver) who is writing it - sometimes it will be mom, and sometimes even dad, if he gets to adding his two cents someday.

Here's the new address:

Thanks for following us!

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