Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mom had her (almost) 37 week visit today...I was up and active as usual, rolling and poking around in her big ol' stretched out uterus like it's my job.

The doctor visits have been a little crazy lately. Every time we go, there's a different person poking around at me and asking mom and dad questions. It's because mom's normal nurse-midwife went out on emergency medical leave three weeks ago, and she isn't planning on returning anytime soon. Last time, the doctor said something about her back being hurt, but we don't really know what happened.

I've heard mom and dad talk about it, and they're both really bummed. They liked our old midwife a lot (I did, too!) and she has been with us from the start of our journey together. It really stinks that we're so close to the end, and now we have to start all over with a new doctor or midwife every time we go in. It kind of feels like we're on our own, and just have random people checking in once and a while, you know. Nobody that really knows 'us'...

Anyways...we had another new lady today, I guess she transferred over from the Kenmore location to cover our old midwife's position. She poked around at me a lot - I guess she was trying to figure out what position my little body is in. I'm definitely head down, but she couldn't really tell much more than that (mwa-ha-ha-ha, I'm good!).

We have our next appointment next Thursday and if I'm still in there (which I plan on being for now), mom will be exactly 38 weeks along with me! Wow!

Dad went mountain biking after our appointment was over, and mom is just going to do some light chores around the house. Nothing crazy, because she doesn't want to stress me out. Maybe some very light yard work or just hanging around outside with Tyson and Mugsy until dad gets home a little later.

That's all for today...stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Ollie, try not to stress out about the whole midwife situation. Just remember to stay healthy all the way through and everything else will fall into place! Oh and by the way, stop messing with your mom's hormones(these are things that make mommy really happy, sad or maybe a bit "cwazy") while you hang around in there. See you soon.

    Keep your head down.... get it? Hah...
