Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Getting There...!

We've got about ten days to go until I'm due to arrive! I'm still not telling anyone exactly when I plan on getting here...it's a surprise!

Mom and dad are definitely anxious for my arrival. I've heard mom say that they've done everything they can do to be ready, and that right now they're just waiting on the day (eh-eh-get my John Mayer reference?!). They have everything ready to go; nursery, clothes, stroller, car seat, toys, breast pump, bath stuff...everything. I can tell they're both anxious - it's just so close that the days seem to go by slower and slower!

Mom's last two days of work are Wednesday and Thursday. She's definitely happy, and thinking she timed it all right.

Based on the way she's been feeling, she really thinks her body is getting ready to welcome me into the world! She says she has energy, but it's hard to get around and use it because she feels like I'm going to "drop out" if she walks too fast! Someone puh-lease tell her she's crazy and that she wishes it would be that easy...mwa ha ha ha! She's also been eating a lot of chocolate - something she hasn't really been too interested in through her entire pregnancy with me. She says more of her hair is left after a shower like it used to be before I made her hormones go crazy. She thinks all these little things are signs that her hormones are a-changing. We'll see. 

She has noticed an increase in Braxton Hicks contractions and she has felt intermittent lady-aches down there that she thinks is me pressing up against her [maybe] opening and softening cervix. Sorry for the details...but if you can't handle this, then you're definitely not gonna' want to know how I'm born!

Our next appointment is Friday - and guess what?! Our midwife, Mary, is BACK! She is back on part time, luckily her back injury wasn't as serious as it could have been and didn't need surgery. So we get to see her again this week. Mom and dad are so happy, and who knows, now she might even be available on our big day!

In the meantime, I'm just hanging out, nestling my little head further down and getting ready...

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