Monday, September 9, 2013

So I'm still in mom's belly, and I've got just a little less than four weeks to go until I'm "due". Of course, that due date means nothing really, because it's all about when I decide to make my grand appearance - and that could be anytime! Kind of a mean and twisted thing to do, but that's just how this pregnancy and birth thing works.

Anyways, I've been squirming around all hours of the day and night yesterday and even this morning - I've been a pretty active baby in the womb (hey, I pride myself on physical fitness!) but last night I just couldn't shake this urge to move around, non-stop! It has mom wondering if it means I want to get out soon...

Otherwise, while she's busy cleaning the windowsills and dusting the ceilings (I don't know why she thinks I need her to do those things before I get here) I'm just hanging tight.

I'll let you know when anything changes!

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