Monday, September 30, 2013

Switching To Wordpress

Hey everyone! Or, well, anyone...

Mom decided to switch our blog from Blogger over to Wordpress.

She doesn't like the way that blogger is loading our posts (the design is yucky) and their mobile app really stinks, too. It's just not easy to use and she doesn't like the way it looks.

Wordpress is much neater and easier to use, so she copied our site over to wordpress. It also has a lot more built into it, like connecting to her Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts, just to name a few perks.

Don't worry though, you haven't missed anything yet. She just switched over today!

You might want to check it out and subscribe to our new blog, since that's where we'll be reporting from today and forward.

She changed the name of the blog, too, since it won't always be me (little Oliver) who is writing it - sometimes it will be mom, and sometimes even dad, if he gets to adding his two cents someday.

Here's the new address:

Thanks for following us!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Getting There...!

We've got about ten days to go until I'm due to arrive! I'm still not telling anyone exactly when I plan on getting's a surprise!

Mom and dad are definitely anxious for my arrival. I've heard mom say that they've done everything they can do to be ready, and that right now they're just waiting on the day (eh-eh-get my John Mayer reference?!). They have everything ready to go; nursery, clothes, stroller, car seat, toys, breast pump, bath stuff...everything. I can tell they're both anxious - it's just so close that the days seem to go by slower and slower!

Mom's last two days of work are Wednesday and Thursday. She's definitely happy, and thinking she timed it all right.

Based on the way she's been feeling, she really thinks her body is getting ready to welcome me into the world! She says she has energy, but it's hard to get around and use it because she feels like I'm going to "drop out" if she walks too fast! Someone puh-lease tell her she's crazy and that she wishes it would be that easy...mwa ha ha ha! She's also been eating a lot of chocolate - something she hasn't really been too interested in through her entire pregnancy with me. She says more of her hair is left after a shower like it used to be before I made her hormones go crazy. She thinks all these little things are signs that her hormones are a-changing. We'll see. 

She has noticed an increase in Braxton Hicks contractions and she has felt intermittent lady-aches down there that she thinks is me pressing up against her [maybe] opening and softening cervix. Sorry for the details...but if you can't handle this, then you're definitely not gonna' want to know how I'm born!

Our next appointment is Friday - and guess what?! Our midwife, Mary, is BACK! She is back on part time, luckily her back injury wasn't as serious as it could have been and didn't need surgery. So we get to see her again this week. Mom and dad are so happy, and who knows, now she might even be available on our big day!

In the meantime, I'm just hanging out, nestling my little head further down and getting ready...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Uh Oh! got in a little accident on the way home tonight! He picked mom up from work as usual, and they were coasting to a red light - the same one they always go through on Dartmouth Street in front of Back Bay Station where I was conceived - JUST KIDDING! - and dad was looking over at a car on the right and BAM! It was really loud and really hard hit, even though they weren't going that fast! 

That was a first for me - and boy, am I happy that I was still in mom's belly! We were all fine, and so was the cabby that dad hit. Sorry dad, but this one was all your fault! 

Mom says she thinks that this is just a sign for dad to slow down a little bit, because it could have been a lot worse. At least it is only damage to the car, and it can all be fixed.

Anyways, that was the highlight of my day, another first! Otherwise, mom just worked all day and fed me a burrito and two - yes - TWO - slices of cake/pie from Flour bakery...a Boston creme pie and a carrot cake. YUM! 

We are home now and poor dad is putting his insurance claim in online to Geico - he thinks it's about $5000 of damage to his car - OUCH. Hopefully insurance pays for most of it, cause, uhm, hello? Yes. I'm pointing at mom's belly through her belly - I'm on my way!

Alright, I'm going to go eat some spaghetti and sauce and call it a night. 


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mom had her (almost) 37 week visit today...I was up and active as usual, rolling and poking around in her big ol' stretched out uterus like it's my job.

The doctor visits have been a little crazy lately. Every time we go, there's a different person poking around at me and asking mom and dad questions. It's because mom's normal nurse-midwife went out on emergency medical leave three weeks ago, and she isn't planning on returning anytime soon. Last time, the doctor said something about her back being hurt, but we don't really know what happened.

I've heard mom and dad talk about it, and they're both really bummed. They liked our old midwife a lot (I did, too!) and she has been with us from the start of our journey together. It really stinks that we're so close to the end, and now we have to start all over with a new doctor or midwife every time we go in. It kind of feels like we're on our own, and just have random people checking in once and a while, you know. Nobody that really knows 'us'...

Anyways...we had another new lady today, I guess she transferred over from the Kenmore location to cover our old midwife's position. She poked around at me a lot - I guess she was trying to figure out what position my little body is in. I'm definitely head down, but she couldn't really tell much more than that (mwa-ha-ha-ha, I'm good!).

We have our next appointment next Thursday and if I'm still in there (which I plan on being for now), mom will be exactly 38 weeks along with me! Wow!

Dad went mountain biking after our appointment was over, and mom is just going to do some light chores around the house. Nothing crazy, because she doesn't want to stress me out. Maybe some very light yard work or just hanging around outside with Tyson and Mugsy until dad gets home a little later.

That's all for today...stay tuned!

Monday, September 9, 2013

So I'm still in mom's belly, and I've got just a little less than four weeks to go until I'm "due". Of course, that due date means nothing really, because it's all about when I decide to make my grand appearance - and that could be anytime! Kind of a mean and twisted thing to do, but that's just how this pregnancy and birth thing works.

Anyways, I've been squirming around all hours of the day and night yesterday and even this morning - I've been a pretty active baby in the womb (hey, I pride myself on physical fitness!) but last night I just couldn't shake this urge to move around, non-stop! It has mom wondering if it means I want to get out soon...

Otherwise, while she's busy cleaning the windowsills and dusting the ceilings (I don't know why she thinks I need her to do those things before I get here) I'm just hanging tight.

I'll let you know when anything changes!